How Do You Know If Wine Has Gone Bad?

bottles of wine on shelf

Wine is a beloved drink enjoyed by many people, but it’s important to know how to tell if it’s bad. Not only can bad wine ruin the taste of a meal, but it can also cause unpleasant physical symptoms. Here we’ll discuss the signs that indicate a wine is bad and provide tips for properly checking a wine’s appearance, aroma, and taste.

Is It Dangerous to Drink Bad Wine?

Drinking spoiled wine can have some negative health effects and should be avoided. When wine goes bad, it can develop harmful bacteria and yeasts that can cause illness. Some of the common symptoms of consuming spoiled wine include headaches, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. In addition, wine can contain histamines and sulfites, both of which can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

Therefore, it’s important to always check the wine before consuming it and discard it if it has any off-putting smells or flavors. If you’re unsure if the wine is still good, it’s best to err on the side of caution and not drink it.

Visual Signs

One of the easiest ways to tell if a wine is bad is by checking its appearance. A wine that has gone bad will often have a noticeable change in color. For example, white wine may turn a yellow or brown color, while red wine may become brown or brick-red. Also, you may notice sediment at the bottom of the bottle, which can be a sign that the wine has been stored improperly or is past its prime.

To properly check a wine’s color and clarity, hold the wine up to a white background and examine it in good lighting. If you notice any abnormalities or discoloration, it’s best to discard the wine.

Olfactory Signs

The aroma of a wine can also help determine whether it’s bad or not. Common aromas of bad wine include mustiness, vinegar, and mold. If you notice any of these scents you do not want to drink the wine.

To properly smell a wine, swirl it in the glass to release the aromas, then take a deep sniff. If you notice any off-putting scents, it’s best to discard the wine.

Taste Signs

One of the most obvious ways to tell if a wine is bad is by tasting it. Common flavors of bad wine include sourness, a metallic taste, or a vinegar-like taste. If you notice any of these flavors you know that the wine is bad.

To test the taste of a wine, take a small sip and allow it to sit on your tongue for a few seconds before swallowing. Pay attention to the flavors and determine if there are any unpleasant tastes.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to the visual, olfactory, and taste signs, there are other factors that can affect the quality of a wine. For example, storage conditions such as temperature and humidity can greatly affect a wine’s taste and longevity.

Wines should be stored at a consistent temperature between 45-65°F and in a relatively humid environment (around 60-75%) to maintain their taste profile and longevity. If a wine has been stored in an environment that’s too hot or too cold, it can cause the wine to spoil or degrade.

Another factor to consider is how long a wine has been open. Once a bottle of wine is opened, it begins to degrade due to exposure to air. This can cause the wine to lose its flavor and aroma.

Red Wine vs White Wine: How Long Do They Last

The shelf life of opened red wine and opened white wine is slightly different. White wine is generally more delicate and can spoil more quickly than red wine when exposed to air. This is because white wines have less tannins and alcohol than red wines, which act as natural preservatives. Additionally, white wines often have higher acidity which can cause the wine to spoil faster. It’s recommended to consume opened white wine within 3-5 days to ensure that it is still in good condition.

On the other hand, opened red wine tends to last longer than opened white wine. This is because the tannins and higher alcohol content help to preserve the wine. Additionally, red wines are often aged in oak barrels, which can also contribute to their longevity. It’s recommended to consume opened red wine within 7-10 days to ensure that it is still in good condition.

Tips to Prevent Wine From Going Bad

There are several ways to prevent wine from going bad and to ensure that it stays fresh for as long as possible.

Store wine in a cool, dark place

Storing wine in a cool, dark place will prevent the wine from being exposed to light and heat which can cause the wine to deteriorate.

Finish the bottle of wine within the recommended time frame

For unopened white wine, it is recommended to consume them within 2-3 years of the bottling date, while for unopened red wine, it is recommended to consume them within 3-5 years of the bottling date.

Preserve The Wine

Using a wine preservation system, such as a vacuum seal or wine stopper, can help to keep the wine fresh for a longer period of time.

Check the wine

It’s important to check the wine to ensure it isn’t bad before consuming it and discard it if it has any off-putting smells or flavors. This will ensure that you always enjoy your wine at its best quality.

What To Do If You Have Bad Wine

If you have a bottle of wine that has gone bad, there are several steps you can take. Firstly, you can use it for cooking. Wine that is no longer good to drink can still add flavor to sauces and marinades. Simply replace the liquid in your recipe with the spoiled wine, and you’ll add a new dimension of flavor to your dish.

Another option is to use the wine for cleaning. Wine can be used as a natural cleaner for various surfaces and objects. For example, you can use red wine to clean copper pots and pans, or white wine to clean cutting boards and plastic containers. Simply pour a small amount of the wine onto the surface and use a cloth or scrubber to clean.

Finally, you can dispose of the wine by pouring it down the drain or in the compost bin. It’s important to never pour spoiled wine down the sink or toilet, as it can cause clogging and other issues in the plumbing system.


Knowing how to tell if a wine is bad is an important skill for wine enthusiasts. Not only can it prevent unpleasant physical symptoms, but it can also ensure that you’re getting the best possible wine-drinking experience. By paying attention to the visual, olfactory, and taste signs, you can ensure that you’re enjoying a good quality wine. Additionally, by being aware of other factors such as storage conditions and how long a wine has been open, you can ensure that you’re drinking a wine at its best. Remember to practice and develop your ability to identify bad wine through experience and education. Happy wine drinking!


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